Sora Takenouchi
Sora Takenouchi
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Hi I'm Sora
I'm one of the Digidestined. I love to play soccer and was hoping to get plenty exercise at camp. Then the snow fell and I came across my Digivise. Then my friends and I were swept into the Digi World. My Digimon is Biyomon. She looks like a pink bird. She is willing to sacrifice herself for me and helped me realise I do have love in my life. My crest is the crest of love. When Birdramon was in trouble My love for her grew thats when my crest glowed and she digivolved into her ultimate form.. Some say I see the good in everyone.. I guess thats true and I do try to be like an older sister for my freinds. Like when I undid Demidevimon's damage.
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